C-Level Conversations

Current Megatrends in the World of Work PLUS How can you accelerate you Career Advancement & Progression?

Amrutha Murali Season 1 Episode 7

With Karan Ferrell-Rhodes - CEO & Lead Strategist, Shockingly Different Leadership 

Leaders will need to maintain energy and momentum to prepare the business for what lies ahead with the Global talent shortage.

In today’s episode we talk about:

  • What are some of the hottest megatrends in the world of work?
  • Key critical success factors of the world's most successful leaders
  • How can you accelerate your career advancement.

Today’s guest - Karan Rhodes an Organizational strategist who specialises in up-leveling leader capability and optimizing workforces to excel.

Karan with her team of over 250 SDL consultants have worked with executive teams at impressive brands such as Coca-Cola, Microsoft, British Petroleum, Meta, EY, Raymond James, Major League Baseball, and the NFl to name some.

Listen in as Karan gives us her expert insights on the current mega trends in the world of work. 

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/karanrhodes/ 

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ShockinglyDifferent 

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Website - https://www.shockinglydifferent.com/